Erika Bugbee Coaching

Helping teens and adults navigate stress and uncertainty with more confidence | Training practitioners to join the mission

INSIGHT: the 3 principles

of a fulfilling

& high-performance life

a self-study course that is engaging, deep, and practical

This professional-grade online course is designed for people that are motivated and open to change.

​We created this course for people that are:

What this course can do for you

The INSIGHT online course is a unique and in-depth learning experience that’s different than other programs, books, or workshops you might find out there.

There are no behavioral techniques and no prescribed ways to be.

It is not based on self-analysis; there is no processing of your past or your habits.

It is not a course where you “work on yourself.”

It is not a grueling process. In fact it there’s humor and personal stories woven throughout every segment. If you read through our testimonials, you’ll see the impact it has.


Discover... overall sense of peace of mind; to not just get through life or go through the motions, but to actually show up and engage with life and genuinely LIKE your life.



......more settled and comfortable in your own skin without 'fixing yourself' or waiting for your life to improve



...hopefulness about the key changes you want to see in your life and the things you've given up.



....the ability to bounce back from things, both big and small. You'll get over things faster and easier, without all the "baggage" and emotional wear and tear...

"I devoured each week of this program, which features many of my own personal mentors in this approach. Cap it off with 'real life' examples from Kara, Erika and George and you've got a beautifully presented and laid out program for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike."
Micheal Neill
Internationally renowned transformative coach

here's what you'll get

An online course is a self-study learning experience that takes place on your device or computer over the Internet. You can easily log into this course anytime, anywhere and learn at your own pace. It’s engaging, interactive, easy to relate to and presented in plain language. It allows people to get real and lasting help that’s discreet, affordable, and adaptable to any busy schedule.


A brief intro to the lesson and what to look for. In less than 2 minutes have an orientation to the entire lesson with highlights and application.

animated story

A 10-minute lecture by Dr. George Pransky that uses metaphors, graphics, and visuals to make the point of the lesson in a new way. Very easy to grasp.

illustrated lecture

A brief intro to the lesson and what to look for. In less than 2 minutes have an orientation to the entire lesson with highlights and application.

main lecture

Dr. George Pransky presents the main point of each lesson, the logic, and the relevance.

The messages in these lectures will build on previous lectures and create the foundation for the next lesson in the course.

interviews with guest presenters

We found the perfect guests to speak to the most common questions for each lesson. We selected some of the most experienced professionals to give you a chance to hear many different voices and teaching styles. See below for the list of guest presenters.

also included:

2 recorded Q&A sessions from 100+ participants.

Private online discussion forum

Printable Workbook

Written Summary Points and Transcripts for every lesson

Optional 1:1 coaching sessions

Nov & Dec 2022 only: Two Exclusive Live Q&A Webinars

INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 


INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life
+ 1:1 Coaching Package (Kara Stamback MS or Erika Bugbee MA)

Immediate access to course materials 24/7

4 one-to-one coaching sessions via Zoom

Get help navigating your feelings and questions as you progress through the course

A safe space to connect with a seasoned professional


meet the presenters

Kara Stamback, MS

George Pransky, Ph.D.

Erika Bugbee, MA

special guests

Each lesson features an exclusive presentation from a different guest presenter.

Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D.

Founder, 3 Principles Mentoring

Keith Blevens, Ph.D.

Private Practice

Cathy Casey

Trainer at California correctional facilities

Don Donovan

Former President, Electronic Warfare, BAE Systems

Mara Gleason MSW

Co-Founder, One Solution Global

Valda Monroe

Private Practice

William Pettit, MD

Licensed Psychiatrist

Linda Pransky

Partner, Pransky and Associates

Linda Pransky

Partner, Pransky and Associates

Linda Pransky

Partner, Pransky and Associates

The guest presenters were chosen based on their extensive experience and expertise in the subject matter for each lesson. These exclusive interviews have been a favorite component of course participants because:

Their expertise brings a level of depth to each subject area.

They represent another voice and another teaching style.

They create a dynamic in conversation that you don’t get from lecture.

The topics they cover represent the most frequently asked questions from that lecture based on our in-depth international focus group questionnaires.

An easy-to-use portal, for on-the-go or at home

Our online portal allows you to view (or listen to) the content whenever it’s convenient for you – on your commute, out walking, or at home. Watch or listen on your phone, your laptop, or tablet.


"I am free from worry... Before I took the INSIGHT course I was a worrier. And once I learned the principles I was free from worry, and the freedom was a night and day thing. The same things can resurrect in my life, the same issues, the same perceived problems, and today, I do not hang onto them."
Jenee Arthur
Editor and Producer Austin, TX
"I didn't really think this kind of result was possible... "Week after week, how much value I got out of it, I could see the results in me in the way I stress levels went down, I became a lot more efficient working with my clients. I got much better results in my client work. And just my whole outlook on life actually lifted and improved. I didn’t really think this kind of result was possible with such a small investment of time and money. But it’s possible, it’s true, I tested it, and that’s the results I got. I really encourage you, if you’re serious about your level of happiness in life just take this course."
Veronique Pivetta
Publisher and Life Coach Belgium
"It brought me closer to my family... For me it brought me closer to my family, to my friends, to nature – seeing the beauty in other people and in myself”
Eirik Olsen
Co-founder, One Solution Global Chicago, IL

Is this Course Right for You?

Here’s what you will learn throughout the course

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you’re on this page, reading about this course, chances are you want help. We want you to get help, and we think this course is what you need. In this course we will walk you through the life-changing principles that have the provided people in over 35 countries find change that is immediate, real, and lasting. All we ask is you promise to do the course and actually take it in. If you complete the first four lessons and don’t feel like it is working for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase at and we will refund the full price of your registration.

​ I just loved watching the lessons every Monday morning. It felt like getting an owners manual for being human. And I’d never been given something like that.”
Cherie Ray

One-on-one Coaching Add-on

If you’re looking for more intimate and unique personal growth, 1:1 coaching is an exceptionally valuable add-on to the INSIGHT course. Talking to a live person can help you to see the relevance of the learning in your life. It will connect the dots in a way you can instantly see and relate to. Some of the benefits of coaching include:

Helping you to see patterns of thought that you’re so used to that they’ve become hard to see

Allowing you to questions about the content of the course and fill in the gaps in your learning

Having a scheduled time set aside to step back from the busyness of your life and reflect on what you’re learning and where you’re making connections to the lessons

Do you have trouble following through? Coaching will help you stay on track and be accountable for getting it done so you get the most out of the course and your time investment.


You can sign up for coaching anytime (before, during, or after you start the course). Coaching is done exclusively by Erika Bugbee, M.A., one of the course creators. Availability is limited.

To purchase a 4-Session Coaching Package, simply add the Coaching Option at checkout when buying the course. For questions, email

About us

If you’re looking for more intimate and unique personal growth, 1:1 coaching is an exceptionally valuable add-on to the INSIGHT course. Talking to a live person can help you to see the relevance of the learning in your life. It will connect the dots in a way you can instantly see and relate to. Some of the benefits of coaching include:

Helping you to see patterns of thought that you’re so used to that they’ve become hard to see

Allowing you to questions about the content of the course and fill in the gaps in your learning

Having a scheduled time set aside to step back from the busyness of your life and reflect on what you’re learning and where you’re making connections to the lessons

Do you have trouble following through? Coaching will help you stay on track and be accountable for getting it done so you get the most out of the course and your time investment.


You can sign up for coaching anytime (before, during, or after you start the course). Coaching is done exclusively by Erika Bugbee, M.A., one of the course creators. Availability is limited.

To purchase a 4-Session Coaching Package, simply add the Coaching Option at checkout when buying the course. For questions, email

INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 


INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life
+ 1:1 Coaching Package (Kara Stamback MS or Erika Bugbee MA)

Immediate access to course materials 24/7

4 one-to-one coaching sessions via Zoom

Get help navigating your feelings and questions as you progress through the course

A safe space to connect with a seasoned professional


frequently asked questions

Doesn’t matter. If you’re ok with being a little clumsy when you learn new things, the nerves will fall away with a little time. We’re not good at most things when we first start out. If you focus and stick with something, and keep building experience, in a relatively short time your strengths, confidence, and competence will naturally emerge.

I still get nervous or awkward periodically with a new client, often when they’re nervous themselves. But within the first session or two, usually within the first 30 minutes, I have a few moments where I feel a connection to them, I warm up to them, or see something endearing or interesting about them, and the tension disappears.

Having kids yourself doesn’t give you any advantage in working with them. Maybe someone with teens is more familiar with their world and daily lives. However, those of us with kids have the disadvantage of having our own fears, worries, and biases that we have to keep in check when we talk to young people.

You were a teen yourself, with teens all around you, so your ability to relate and see life through their eyes is not a stretch at all.

Yet more importantly, you’re a human being that gets caught in overwhelm, insecurity, or the feeling that you’re in it alone. Just like your adult clients. It feels real no matter what the details look like. And when you get your bearings back, you find your way again. So when you strip it down, we’re all going through the same thing. As long as you’re human, you’re more than qualified to help anyone that walks through your door.

This program and type of work isn’t for everyone, and it may not be for you. While it might be a potential income stream, give you a competitive edge, or maybe you already have potential young clients coming to you for help, having a genuine feeling of affinity, interest, and goodwill is a must-have as a helping professional. And compared to adults, teens do have a reputation for being less pleasant on the outside when you see them in public.

But in my experience, the ones that tend to come to us for help are either open and friendly up front, or are withdrawn or reserved in a way that’s surprisingly skin-deep. If you’re someone that WANTS to like teenagers, and willing to hang in there and get to know the one that’s right in front of you, this is an area worth considering.

Yes, I have entire sections of this program focused on working with parents because you’ll inevitably end up doing it. Sometimes teens really need the help but are too shut down, overwhelmed, or anxious to talk to me or anyone else, don’t trust anyone their parents recommend, or too troubled to show up for sessions. So I coach the parents to find their own well-being in the face of their troubled teen’s ups and downs, and to learn to see and respect the fact that they have moments of wisdom and perspective just like adults. I’ve found that working with parents, who are on the front lines, is an equally powerful way of helping a troubled teen.

​In fact some participants in this program will likely be drawn to working only with parents, and not the teens themselves. The more insight you have around seeing teens through the lense of the Three Principles, the more you can bring that insight to parents and provide the confidence, faith, and reassurance they’re looking for.

​And for those practitioners who want to work primarily with teens and not parents, you’ll still be interacting with the parents to set up and pay for the sessions, and you need their to trust and support what you’re doing. Understanding a few key elements in managing parent relationships will help you get the cooperation and buy-in from parents that makes them true allies.

Yes, in fact a big part of the reason I created this program is to bring insight and understanding to practitioners working with parents. If you’re one of those practitioners that’s inspired to focus on the next generation, to do something to address the rising mental health crisis in young adults, but have zero interest in talking to teens themselves, you’re not alone. My favorite part of being an adult is having the clarity and honesty within myself to admit where my energy and enthusiasm lives (and doesn’t live).


If teens make you want to flee the scene, don’t work with them! Working with parents, who are on the front lines of a troubled teen’s life, is just as powerful as helping the teens themselves. Of all the elements in a teen’s environment, the emotional state of a parent can have an influence that’s much more profound than the friends, the media, or the culture that surrounds that teen.

While I don’t provide a certification process for any of my programs, all participants of this program will receive a Certificate of Completion once the program ends.

client stories

"I devoured each week of this program, which features many of my own personal mentors in this approach. Cap it off with 'real life' examples from Kara, Erika and George and you've got a beautifully presented and laid out program for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike."
Micheal Neill
Internationally renowned transformative coach
"I devoured each week of this program, which features many of my own personal mentors in this approach. Cap it off with 'real life' examples from Kara, Erika and George and you've got a beautifully presented and laid out program for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike."
Micheal Neill
Internationally renowned transformative coach
"I devoured each week of this program, which features many of my own personal mentors in this approach. Cap it off with 'real life' examples from Kara, Erika and George and you've got a beautifully presented and laid out program for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike."
Micheal Neill
Internationally renowned transformative coach
INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 


INSIGHT Course The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life
+ 1:1 Coaching Package (Kara Stamback MS or Erika Bugbee MA)

Immediate access to course materials 24/7

4 one-to-one coaching sessions via Zoom

Get help navigating your feelings and questions as you progress through the course

A safe space to connect with a seasoned professional
