Erika Bugbee Coaching

INSIGHT: for relationships

more ups, less downs

Do any of these describe you?

​ You have problems or issues in your relationship, have tried to get help, but nothing’s worked

You’ve grown apart and wish you were closer, but don’t know how to get there

Your relationship is stale, disconnected, or constantly tense

You’ve made the same mistakes in past relationships and want to avoid making them again

You’re single or in a new relationship and want to learn how to ensure a solid relationship that last

 If so, our course will help you.

What the INSIGHT for Relationships course will do for you…

Most couples we come across struggle with how to get issues resolved in their relationships without fighting, arguing, finger-pointing or frustration, or they want to be closer, have tried to talk about it, but it hasn’t worked. There is one factor in communication that makes it possible to figure things out in a way that’s truly collaborative, actually gets somewhere, and helps couples to become closer and closer over time. That’s what this course is all about.

Create a strong and lasting relationship

Hear George talk about why the divorce rate is so high and how to ensure your relationship not only lasts, but gets better over time.

Do you know the ONE THING that can make or break ANY relationship? We do.

In our 15 years of working with thousands of couples, we’ve found that the health of a relationship does not depend on personality, how bad things have been, how long they’ve been bad, or whether their parents had good relationships. It all comes down to how well someone understands what really matters in a relationship; what we call relationship fundamentals. This course teaches relationship fundamentals.

“A deeper feeling of connection ... After taking the course I'm more patient; more aware of the quality of my listening; a deeper feeling of connection and understanding with my wife. Thank you."
Mark H.

Looking for a different approach to relationship help?

No therapy

No working on your relationship

It only takes one person

Discreet, confidential and private

In-depth yet affordable and relatable help with unlimited benefits

The average cost of couples therapy is $3000 for 12 weeks, and the focus is typically limited to the couple’s current issues. The 8+ hours of materials provided by this course is yours to keep, applies to all relationship issues, and is specifically designed to be reviewed as needed in the future as many times as it takes.

INSIGHT for Relationships

This course is engaging, interactive, easy to relate to and presented in plain language. Personal and client stories are woven throughout to illustrate each lesson.

Erika Bugbee, M. A, Kara Stamback, M.S., and Dr. George Pransky take you on an in-depth, insightful and practical learning experience that will show you everything you need to know to have enjoyment, closeness, and productive communication in your relationships.

animated story

The point of each lesson through an animated but real-life story from one of the presenters.

Illustrated Lecture

Short lecture that uses metaphors, graphics, and visuals to make the point of the lesson.

main lecture

Presents the point of each lesson, the logic, and the relevance using examples, stories, and humor.

relationship lecture

Takes the point of the lesson and shows exactly how it applies to relationships using examples, stories, and client scenarios.

Results: What does this look like in a ‘real’ couple?

Each lesson ends with a recap of the changes one couple saw in their marriage after watching that lesson. That couple faced a variety of different issues, and they show you what it took to not only get each situation resolved, but how they ended up closer and more connected as a couple.

bonus content

Other features include recorded Question and Answer sessions where the course creators answer the most common questions, printable PDFs and supportive materials like transcripts and summary points, and the ability to fully download all audio, all summary points, and the full course transcript. Optional Coaching Packages are also available.

Coaching Packages (Add-on)

Live one-on-one coaching is a optional add-on to the INSIGHT for Relationships course. Talking to a live person can help you to see the relevance of the learning in your life and your relationship and ensure you actually internalize and use what you learn.  Some of the benefits of coaching include:

You can sign up for coaching anytime either before, during, or after you start or finish the course.

Cost: $1,515 (Coaching Sessions = $1020 + Online Course = $1,515)

Please note:The nature of this learning is individualized and so coaching is one-on-one. If you and your partner both want coaching, you would need to sign up for two separate coaching packages. Please email if you have questions

INSIGHT for Relationships

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 


INSIGHT for Relationships
+ 1:1 Coaching Package (Kara Stamback MS or Erika Bugbee MA)

Immediate access to course materials 24/7

4 one-to-one coaching sessions via Zoom

Get help navigating your feelings and questions as you progress through the course

A safe space to connect with a seasoned professional


"My life has genuinely transformed during the period of this course and the coaching sessions. Thank you for a brilliant learning experience."
Francesco Barbera
"The combination of the coaching sessions and the multi-media aspect was great...lecture, animation, metaphor, webinars, plus one-on-one conversations...the total experience made this really unique...I've never gone so far in such a short period of time!"
Elaine Huggins
"Our communication was at an all time low. I gained so much from this course especially compassion and understanding. I am more understanding and am quiet now when issues arise. When we are in sync and not thinking it's quite magical!"

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you’re on this page, reading about this course, chances are you want help. We want you to get help, and we think this course is what you need. In this course we will walk you through the life-changing principles that have the provided people in over 35 countries find change that is immediate, real, and lasting. All we ask is you promise to do the course and actually take it in. If you complete the first four lessons and don’t feel like it is working for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase at and we will refund the full price of your registration.

What others are saying about
INSIGHT for Relationships …

“I highly recommend this course! It’s the best teachings I’ve encountered of how the Three Principles apply to relationships.”
-Sandra K.

“It’s a great course that can deliver a very different perspective on life in general. This course can have a huge impact on someone’s life.”
– Boris G.

INSIGHT for Relationships

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 


Who is the course taught by?

The course is delivered by Erika Bugbee, M.A., Kara Stamback, M.A., and Dr. George Pransky who are partners in an organization devoted to sharing their unique and powerful approach through one-on-one programs, conferences, leadership trainings and a wide range of media for 35 years. Their online courses are currently being used in 32 countries around the world.

Kara Stamback, MS

George Pransky, Ph.D.

Erika Bugbee, MA

BONUS Couples Interviews included in this course

keeping the freshness and love even after 35 years

different pages about a bigl ife decision

incompatibility: he's messy and she's uptight

major life transitions

recovered from an affair

anger issues

frequently asked questions

This course will serve to refresh, tune-up, or overhaul for your current relationship, or will serve as a relationship-readiness program if you’re single or dating. INSIGHT for Relationships is for you if …


You have problems or issues in your relationship, have tried to get help, but nothing’s worked

You’ve grown apart and wish you were closer, but don’t know how to get there

Your relationship is stale, disconnected, or constantly tense

You’ve made the same mistakes in past relationships and want to avoid making them again

You’re single or in a new relationship and want to learn how to ensure a solid relationship that lasts


This program has the power to immediately change the way your current or future relationships play out for you, the level of closeness and warmth, and your ability to navigate any kind of issue.

The lessons are accessed through a private members-only website. In each lesson you’ll have access


Lesson Introduction: What to look for in each lesson (2-3 minutes)

Main Lecture – video lecture on the overall point for that week (20 minutes)

Animation – an animated story that makes the point of the lesson in everyday life (5-7 minutes)

Illustrated Lecture featuring Metaphors – A video segment with graphic illustrations and visual imagery (10-12 minutes)

Relationship Lecture – The main point of each weekly lesson is applied to relationships in a very practical way (10-13 minutes)

Results: What does this look like in a ‘real’ couple? Each lesson ends with a recap of the changes one couple saw in their marriage after watching thate lesson. (8-20 minutes)

Lessons 4 & 7: Recorded Question and Answer sessions from previous course participants. These content-rich recordings answer some of the most common questions people have at that point in the course. (60 minutes each)

Printable PDF’s of the summary points and transcripts for each lesson

Fully downloadable transcripts, video, and audio – available for all lessons and course content

The course was created, designed and implemented by Kara Stamback, M.A., Erika Bugbee, M. A., and Dr. George Pransky, Ph.D. who have provided relationship help to thousands of couples.

You need only a computer, smart phone or tablet and an internet connection. All of the content is downloadable so if you have slow or unreliable internet connections you have the option of downloading and viewing the materials offline.

As soon as your registration is processed (within one business day) you will get immediate access to the course and you can watch it at your own pace.

As soon as you get access to the platform all of the course is accessible 24/7 for you to view when it is convenient for you. Please keep in mind that the course is designed to take you through the process of learning in a very deliberate way. You will get the most out of the course if you give yourself time between lessons to reflect on and absorb what was presented in the lesson before moving on.

The course is accessible 24/7. Nothing is scheduled. We do, however, recommend that you find a time in your schedule once a week when you know that you will be able to close your door and devote an hour to watching the course. The benefit of the course only comes when you’ve completed it so setting a end-date and sticking to it will ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the time and money you invest.

We put a tremendous amount of planning into anticipating your questions and incorporating answers into the course but questions may still arise as you participate in the online course. There are several resources to field your questions:

Two recorded Question and Answer sessions (60-minutes each) with previous course participants that will likely cover many of the questions you have

A limited number of coaching packages are available. Contact our office for more information.

Coaching packages give you an opportunity to discuss your learning with an experienced consultant. It allows you to ask questions or see an application to a particular issue or problem you’re facing in your relationship. It is like having a personal guide throughout the course and your life during the course. Coaching packages are available for additional cost for the scheduled sessions.

Yes, you can sign up for coaching any time, although people generally get more value from the coaching sessions if the course material is still fresh in their minds when the coaching calls take place. However, people often sign up for coaching months or years after completing the course as they face a particularly difficult challenge or a new relationship. What matters most is that their learning is alive and they’re motivated to see something new. Please email us at to purchase coaching after you’ve started the course.

If two people in a couple want to do coaching we do two separate coaching packages. The reason for this is that it is not intended to be couples counseling but instead to teach a person in a relationship something that shifts their mindset. When a person’s mindset shifts how they see the other person and the relationship changes and they bring something different to the relationship. It’s a bonus that the coaching helps them in their personal life in addition to what they get for their relationship. One person doing coaching can improve the relationship significantly and it can improve even more if both do coaching.


We designed this online course with both new and seasoned students in mind. The course is based on a set of principles that represent the foundation for people’s relationships. These principles are broken down and explained very clearly in the course, and so no prior knowledge is necessary. If you’ve studied these principles before, or you’re a practitioner yourself, the unique expression and the depth of the presentations will serve to further your learning in a structured learning environment.

The components of this course are short, bite-sized and digestible to accommodate short attention spans and easily distracted students. We created the content in a way that is engaging and easy to relate to. We’ve also made it easy to view any component as often as you like and all of the components are transcribed into PDF format.

This course is a very different format than our four day intensive in La Conner. Our Intensive programs are one-on-one intensive program where the learning is customized for each client. That program has the benefit stepping out of your life and immersing yourself in the learning. However, the online course has its own unique benefit of “time releasing” the learning and there is something about taking responsibility for your own learning that can increase the impact of the online course format. The online course can be a way to “try it out” and get a feel for the work that we do, although the online course also has the potential to have the same impact of our other programs. To up the impact of the course we recommend that you view the lessons more than once. A coaching package can leverage the learning as well.

We encourage you to learn together with your partner or other family member. Additional family members living in the same household may take INSIGHT for Relationships for only $100. Please purchase INSIGHT for two at checkout.

Yes! If you’ve already bought one of our online courses, the cost of the 2nd course is only $180. Both courses share some of the same content, so we provide the discount accordingly.

Similarly, if people purchase the INSIGHT for Relationships course, and are interested in taking our other course (INSIGHT: The Principles of a Fulfilling and High-Performance Life), the cost would only be $180.

Yes. In fact most of the people that take this course either have partners that don’t participate, or they’re single. It may seem like a funny concept to take a relationships course without a partner, but the fact is, it doesn’t actually matter given how relationships actually work.


The point of the course is to help the person taking the course to have more resilience, clarity, and well-being within themselves, and to be more present in the relationship. That has a profound and immediate impact on the relationship as it changes the level of communication, the chemistry, the connection, and the overall dynamic. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself, AND for the relationship.

Yes. Many of the people who take this course are either single and don’t necessarily want a relationship right now, are dating and looking to settle down, or are with someone but not sure they want to move forward with that person. They want to be relationship-ready. And that’s what this course is all about.


This course will give you a solid foundation to build close and healthy relationships in the future. It does not mean you are committing to the person you’re with, or that you need to be in a relationship right now. When you’re ready, and you find someone that’s right for you, you’ll understand what it takes to stay out of your old habits, go through challenges without shutting down, and build a connection that’s real and gets better over time.

This course is designed to have a significant impact on your relationship that lasts. However, like anything else, the more you keep the learning alive, the more continued benefits you’ll see. This is one of the reasons that we made all of the components downloadable and why we give you access after your initial course session ends. We recommend that you revisit the material after the 8 weeks is done. You will find that it has a very refreshing effect and that you hear things that you didn’t hear the first time around.


You will get an email from us when we offer the next scheduled session of INSIGHT for Relationships. We recommend that you participate in future sessions if you need a tune-up, either the whole thing, the lessons you liked most, or the ones you don’t remember as well. Continuing to participate in the Facebook forum is also an excellent way to refresh what you’ve learned and keep your learning alive. You also may find that you would like to take the next step in your learning and consider signing up for our four day intensive program in La Conner, Washington.

In asking yourself whether this is the right program for you there’s one more thing we’d like you to consider: Like most things in life, the more you put in, the more you get out. This course will walk you through the process. That’s our part. Once you sign up, your part is to be ready to show up and engage with the course material. We make it easy: the material is very compelling and we don’t ask you to work hard, but if you take this opportunity seriously and show up to each lesson willing absorb the material with a fresh set of eyes, you can benefit from it as much as we have.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you still have a question, please email us at

INSIGHT for Relationships

Immediate access to course materials 24/7 
