Erika Bugbee Coaching

Training and mentoring

for practitioners

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The ability to spark change in your clients starts with a spark in you

A challenge I often see in people growing a practice is the doubt and lack of confidence around being ‘ready enough.’ They charge ahead with enthusiasm and spirit, and then just as quickly, the wind blows the other direction, insecurity creeps in, and they hit the brakes.

From the inside it looks like a sign that they’re not ready or they need more experience, training, direction, or clarity.

But from the outside, all that happened is what happens to everyone else – they just got spooked and lost their vision in the process. Nothing’s wrong, and they’re still just as ready as they were before.

The truth is that losing confidence and clarity is the nature of the beast. It happens to your mentors and every other seasoned and accomplished person you know.

It’s also temporary and corrects itself.

A few moments of insight into the universal assets with which we’re forever equipped helps us get our bearings back faster and more gracefully over time. Promoting those insights is the sole focus of my programs.

The result is a stronger sense of certainty and confidence in yourself, your path forward and in the face of unknowns. With that comes an ability to slow down, get reflective, and spend more time in the enthusiasm and vision that made you want to help people in the first place.

Common topics I cover in my practitioner mentoring programs

Work with Erika

One-on-One Practitioner Mentoring
4-Session Packages via Zoom

Four individual 1-hour sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A. will take place over Zoom. These one-on-one practitioner mentoring conversations will deepen your learning and promote clarity and insight around your unique goals, challenges, needs, and interests. Throughout our sessions you’ll learn a set of principles that provide you with the insight and abilities needed to improve your impact, confidence, and credibility as a practitioner.

individual coaching sessions

Four 1-hour video sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A. via Zoom will take place weekly or as needed.

hand-picked resources

Four complimentary audio products will be hand-picked to support your specific and unique areas of growth or struggle.

Cost of program:
$1200 USD

client stories

"Erika is one of the most helpful, chill, enjoyable and brilliant practitioners I know.

She’s been my mentor, and I just kind of love connecting with her. Clients do too. She’s awesome, light, funny, edgy and wise."
Sharon Strimling
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
"Erika’s program was absolutely worth the price and the time, and my skills have been greatly enhanced. Erika helped me to relax and to have more confidence. You are such a good teacher—so honest, caring, approachable and enthusiastic—and your ability to toggle between the issues and the “details” clients bring and “the bigger picture” of teaching them how life works, is masterful.

I am definitely more comfortable with uncertainty, and discomfort. Your passion for helping people is so evident, and contagious. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!❤️"
Helen M.
Atlanta, GA
"I highly recommend Erika’s program!! Erika's personal experiences and years of working with people make the things that she shares so invaluable. Each time I am with Erika I have more insights. She is such a gift!!"

The guidance received from Erika has helped me both professionally and personally. I find myself showing up more confidently and effectively for my clients and my children. My daughter recently shared that she appreciates how much I've been listening to her lately."
Jessica S.
Philadelphia, PA

Six-Month Practitioner
Mentoring Program

The 6-month Practitioner Mentoring Program is a one-on-one program with Erika Bugbee, M.A. that takes place via Zoom.  These one-on-one practitioner mentoring conversations will deepen your learning and promote clarity and insight around your unique goals, challenges, needs, and interests. Throughout our sessions you’ll learn a set of principles that provide you with the insight and abilities needed to improve your impact, confidence, and credibility as a practitioner.

Cost of program:
$3800 USD


individual mentoring sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A.

10 one-hour video sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A. will take place regularly over the span of six months.


recordings I create exclusively for you

I'll create four customized audio or video recordings exclusively for you that address your unique development and areas of interest and need. The topics will be determined by the content and nature of our discussions and the areas of growth that will create the biggest improvement in your client impact. The recordings will be available for you to download and keep.


hand-picked complimentary resources

Six complimentary audio products that I hand-pick will support your specific and unique areas of growth or struggle.


engagement and connection throughout the program

You'll be invited to share your thoughts, insights, reflections, questions, and challenges with me privately via email, video or audio recordings in between sessions. This is not required but is something I encourage and welcome. I personally review everything shared incorporate the content into subsequent sessions.


review of your client sessions (optional)

Send me up to 3 samples of your recorded client sessions, videos, blog posts, or book excerpts to review and use as extended learning opportunities. This is not required. The purpose is to create additional targets of learning to develop your perspective, awareness, and confidence around your unique areas of strength.

Six-Month Practitioner
Mentoring Program

The 6-month Practitioner Mentoring Program is a one-on-one program with Erika Bugbee, M.A. that takes place via Zoom.  These one-on-one practitioner mentoring conversations will deepen your learning and promote clarity and insight around your unique goals, challenges, needs, and interests. Throughout our sessions you’ll learn a set of principles that provide you with the insight and abilities needed to improve your impact, confidence, and credibility as a practitioner.

individual mentoring sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A.

10 one-hour video sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A. will take place regularly over the span of six months.​

recordings I create exclusively for you

I’ll create four customized audio or video recordings exclusively for you that address your unique development and areas of interest and need. The topics will be determined by the content and nature of our discussions and the areas of growth that will create the biggest improvement in your client impact. The recordings will be available for you to download and keep.

hand-picked complimentary resources

Six complimentary audio products that I hand-pick will support your specific and unique areas of growth or struggle.

engagement and connection throughout the program

You’ll be invited to share your thoughts, insights, reflections, questions, and challenges with me privately via email, video or audio recordings in between sessions. This is not required but is
something I encourage and welcome. I personally review everything shared incorporate the content into subsequent sessions.

review of your client sessions (optional)

Send me up to 3 samples of your recorded client sessions, videos, blog posts, or book excerpts to review and use as extended learning opportunities. This is not required. The purpose is to create additional targets of learning to develop your perspective, awareness, and confidence around your unique areas of strength.

Cost of program:
$3800 USD

Hear from my clients

Nikey Willson - New York, USA
Play Video
David Doe - California, USA
Play Video
David Doe - California, USA
Play Video

Nine-Month Practitioner
Mentoring Program

The 9-month Practitioner Mentoring Program is a one-on-one program with Erika Bugbee, M.A. These one-on-one practitioner mentoring conversations will deepen your learning and promote clarity and insight around your unique goals, challenges, needs, and interests. Throughout our sessions you’ll learn a set of principles that provide you with the insight and abilities needed to improve your impact, confidence, and credibility as a practitioner.

4-Day Individual Intensive

Four consecutive days meeting with Erika Bugbee, M.A. one-on-one will kick-off your program. These meetings will take place via Zoom or in-person in La Conner, Washington outside Seattle. This provides an opportunity to disengage from your daily life, get into a more open and reflective state, and look at your goals, struggles, and vision for your professional skills and pursuits through a fresh set of eyes. <br><br>The retreat-style structure, pace, and schedule is facilitated in such a way that it will allow you to learn the principles I teach through a process that’s insight-driven. This will create a rise in your well-being, clarity, and self-confidence and greater in your client work that’s immediate, meaningful, and lasting.

individual mentoring sessions

Twelve private one-hour Zoom sessions with Erika Bugbee, M.A. will take place regularly over the span of the program.

recordings I create exclusively for you

I’ll create six customized audio or video recordings exclusively for your unique development and areas of interest and need. The topics will be determined by the content and nature of our discussions and the areas of growth that will create the biggest improvement in your client impact. The recordings will be available for you to download and keep.

engagement and connection throughout the program

An invitation to share your thoughts, insights, reflections, questions, and challenges with me privately via email, video or audio recordings throughout the program. This is not required but is something I encourage and welcome. I personally review everything that’s shared and incorporate the content into subsequent sessions.

hand-picked complimentary resources

Twelve complimentary audio products that I hand-pick to support your specific and unique areas of growth or struggle.

review of your client sessions (optional)

Send me up to 5 samples of your recorded client sessions, videos, blog posts, or book excerpts for me to review and use as extended learning opportunities. This is not required. The purpose is to create additional opportunities to develop your perspective, awareness, and confidence around your unique areas of strength.

1-Day Closing Session

A full-day closing session will distill and integrate your 9-month learning experience. This session will clarify the key themes in your learning and bring focus, reflection, and intention to your future.

Cost of program:
$7700 USD


While it depends on how much a young adult WANTS help, overall young adults have a remarkable advantage over most adults: they learn incredibly fast. They’re sharp, intuitive, and are more open and receptive to seeing a new way of looking at life. Unlike adults, they haven’t bought into a collection of theories about how life works.

I’ve found that a majority of my young adult clients are eager to have someone listen to them, and once I establish some trust with them, are very open to looking at their struggles through a different lens. Young people, especially those that are stressed, under pressure, insecure, or acting out, are desperate for someone to listen to them, to be interested in what they’re up against, and to feel like someone gets them and cares about their struggles.

Once that’s provided to them, I consistently see a rise in young people’s level of clarity and well-being, which gives them hope, confidence in their ability to find their own way, and a fresh outlook on their lives. I haven’t met a struggling young person that doesn’t want that for themselves.

Young adults who understand life better, at an earlier age, are overall less self-destructive and have more of the things we want for them — the clarity to look ahead, think for themselves, find their own common sense. They’re more willing to get out of their comfort zone, find their resilience, and they recover from setbacks faster. Ultimately that results in a stronger, happier, and more independent young person.

One important factor is that just like adults, young people greatly vary in their openness, their readiness to change, and their ability to reflect on themselves. Adults will often realize something about themselves that their partner tried to point out decades before, but they simply weren’t ready to hear it. That’s the x-factor in personal transformation.

Yet something happens when a young person that’s struggling is in the presence of someone like me that’s respectful, that listens, and that’s 100% interested in being of service to them with no agenda. Their level of openness and accountability goes up. Their mature side comes out. To whatever degree change is possible for a young person, the environment and partnership I create with my young clients is where that change is made possible.

I have no problem with parents bribing, incentivizing, or insisting their teen meet with me for one session. That session allows them to get a feel for what I’m like, that I’m a respectful and genuine person, that I don’t judge and I have no agenda. So they know the help is there if and when they’re ready.

However, after the initial session, I require that the teens themselves be the one to initiate future sessions. Parents should only schedule sessions if and when the teen expresses the need or desire themselves, even if the teen is really struggling (which I know can be excruciating to watch).

Teens are extremely private and very easily overwhelmed and immobilized. Unlike adults, many teens would much rather suffer in privacy than have to talk to someone like me. Sometimes I’m not the kind of help they need and rather than providing relief, I become another problem they have to navigate politely.

So parents are welcome to lightly suggest they can talk with me if they’d like, but initiating sessions will hurt my rapport with them, override their wisdom and instincts to find their own way, and create undue strain and hardship without benefit. I don’t judge professionals that work with mandated clients, it’s just not something I do.

Typically 13 is the minimum age I work with, but I have worked very effectively with 12-year-olds before if they’re on the mature side.

By mature we mean if they’re able to sit and carry on a conversation on a Zoom call for a session (typically an hour, or 45 minutes if an hour’s too long for them). And they’d need to be mature enough to have some self-awareness, report on how they’re doing, and take in Erika’s thoughts and suggestions. And to want to talk with someone about themselves and get help.

Some teens (more often the boys in my experience) are not mature enough to take part in coaching sessions in a beneficial way until they’re 16-18. So sometimes it’s not so much the age as the maturity level.

Unfortunately, my approach and my programs are not suited for clients that are in an active crisis. Once the immediate crisis is over, and a client gets to a mental state where he/she is able to learn, be reflective, and engage in conversation, I can help prevent future crises and the buildup of stress and unchecked problems that leads to crises. 

If you are in crisis right now, or know someone that is, I encourage you to use the resources below right away: 

Within the United States:

Contact the Suicide and Crisis lifeline, you can call or text 988 from a cell phone    

Go to to chat with someone live.    

Outside of the United States:

Please follow this link to find your local crisis hotline

I’m more relaxed, feel way less pressure, and so much insecurity has dropped.

After my program with Erika I’m calmer, more open, and I really dropped the sense I had to ‘get it’ and be better. I’m feeling that I’m ok just exactly as I am and no longer seeking a certain emotion. More going with the flow. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

Danielle M.

Practitioner, London, England

I can’t say enough how grateful I am to have taken this program and for all the aha moments... the positive impact it’s had in my life personally and professionally...

I find myself more at ease and present then I ever have been before. Erika is an amazing teacher. She’s thoughtful, funny, relaxed, down to earth, and clearly knowledgeable and experienced. I can’t say enough how grateful I am to have taken this program and for all the aha moments and insights I’ve had and the positive impact it’s had in my life personally and professionally… Just the biggest thank you, Erika, from the bottom of my heart. Working with you…has had such a beautiful impact on me.

I feel lighter in general and in my coaching work, not to mention my relationship with my kids and husband feel richer and have more ease and fun … and when things do get wonky or hard things happen, my trust and faith that the way forward will appear has gotten deeper… so, so grateful for that and for you.”

Linda F.

Practitioner, New York, NY

reach out to erika to inquire